See below for an 'aerial tour', a 'virtual walkthrough' of our school, a 'Principal's tour', and 'A day in the life of a Prep'.
If you wish to receive a link to the Webex recording for our recent information evening, please contact us!
Front of the school
Prep/One Area
Readers Area of the Junior Learning Community
Grade Two/Three/Four Classrooms
Deck between Admin building and the Senior Learning Community
'Billabong' in the Senior Learning Community
Grade Four/Five Classrooms
Grade Five/Six Classroom
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen
Garden and Oval view
Aerial Tour
Principal's Tour of New Buildings
'A day in the life of a Prep'
Video Acknowledgements:
Drone footage: Chris Mather- Bendigo Aerial
Video Creation: Monte Macpherson
Credit: Sustainability Victoria
Photos: AJ Taylor, Anne Neath, Annette Ruzicka
Music: Richard Pleasance- 'Winters Flat Tyre'